Stressful day. Come home distracted. Kids are hyper as they vibe off the stress. Causes more stress. Kids become manic. We snap!
How many times has this scenario happened? We do it to our spouses. We do it to our children. We do it to ouselves. People are too demanding. Their expectations unrealistic. They feel pressure and look to displace their pressure onto us. We absorb all that in society – at work – at home – and we pass it on.
Just when we think we are on empty, it seems someone new comes along to pile it on!
Maybe the question isn’t why. Maybe the thought is “this exists in the world so how can I learn to dispel this stress and be a positive force to those around me?”
Deep breaths. Bubble baths. Chocolate breaks. Chats with a good friend. Mostly the willingness to say I am wrong – to hit a hard reset – and to expect a** holes to keep behaving like a** holes! The key is to be mindful and truthful and ask “am I acting like one?” If so yes – reset – be kind – repeat!
we have no idea what others are going through. They may not care what we are going through! We can care. They don’t have to. We can be kind. They don’t have to. When we are kind, and when we care, then we have a happier life and become more agreeable to be around!
I find there are much fewer a** holes in the world when I’m not acting like one. I also find they are usually tired and stressed people that could use some understanding and if I can’t get that then maybe I can spend energy on giving it!