An important process of accessing intuition is examining the clutter or blocks to inner knowing. It’s about being aware of our reaction to other energy, as well as our own inner range of emotions.
So often posts are light, positive and focused on a breakthrough.
However, my work is going to expand to cover the blocks to progress, as well as the process awareness brings to get to a place of clarity.
Recently, the idea of the blob and how it makes me feel sparked a new line of inner inquiry. I don’t have the breakthrough, just the awareness and reaction pieces.
Maybe you can help?
The BLOB – that part of us, or them, around us, or within us, somewhere at sometime we’ve all been slowed down by the blob.
Being the high vibration energy ball that I am, when someone is stuck in their blob; I find myself being impatient, annoyed, disgusted, irritated, or apathetic.
There are times when I’m also slowed by health, emotions, events and for fear of becoming the blob; I stay in motion. I go to the other extreme where fear of becoming the blob makes it a challenge for me to ever fully relax.
So perhaps it’s a challenge for many of us; either those of us who become the blob, or those of us who are effected by the blob in others.
Times like these, my humanity wants nothing to do with -slothfulness (it’s not dark energy as much as it’s just a blob).
My heart wants to sign – and the blob absorbs her melody.
My energy wants to dance – and the blob sticks to my feet and slows my rhythm.
I want to feel love and the blob has withdrawn and created separation.
The blob looses what spills in its mass.
It absorbs and gives nothing back.
It’s slow. It’s empty. It’s numb.
The blob must need love to. How can I love, when I just want to get away from you?
The blob must be an inner defense to the stress of life. The blob just pools creating a buffer between itself and light.
The blob is greedy. It absorbs without thanks. It does nothing with what it’s given.
Blob, do you have a purpose other than to irritate and block progress?