Charges are powerful! When we are reactive we give off a powerful charge that depletes our energy and can set off charges in others! The good news is charges are powerful!
Since charges are powerful we can learn to be non-reactive and simply sit in our power. This is uncomfortable at first. We may illuminate parts of ourselves that bring discomfort or even terror depending on our emotional state.
Our human need is often to discharge or react to these impulses rather than just sit with them. What happens when you are charged up and discharge? Does it help?
if the answer is no then consider another possibility. Consider channeling this energy into a true desire to sit and be with self – all parts of self – and ask what this discomfort is really about. The mind will try to Distract you from looking at self and convince you it must be because of them!
The Course teaches we are never really upset for the reason we think we are. Chances are what “they” did is a diversion from sitting in discomfort and a story we have told ourselves to avoid looking at self.
When we sit with self – those charges turn into joy. They help us heal if we choose to embrace rather than endure their intensity. We become a witness to our reactivity and learn to channel it into self love.
This is a process of self love, self forgiveness and a gift to reveal new things about self that can serve our higher purpose.
So next time don’t speak – don’t hit send on the text message – don’t get into ego with a story about how right you are to discharge.
Just be with your power and allow yourself to begin the understanding we may not always feel comfortable and that is wonderful! We judge not bad or wrong or wish for change. We only need consider the change may be in how we react and are choosing to look at things outside ourselves rather than sitting in the power of who we are.
As we learn to do this – we may find an entirely new way of being! Give it a try and leave a comment on what you learned!
You are powerful!