Greatness From Within


Greatness is not a word we hear much about.  Do many people even strive for greatness?  There is a difference between great actions and egos who want recognition for how great they think they are.

Great actions come from deep within and for most of us they don’t come naturally or easily.  A choice to apologize not because we think we are wrong, but because we value our relationships more than being right.

A simple “Thank you” for work that we expect and even more greatness when we want thanks but instead are willing to give it.  How about noticing all the things someone does well and choosing to let go and not point out those things they could improve.

Small minds notice small things.  Great minds notice great things.

When we are unable to notice great things in others it’s a clear indication we are in our ego state.  Our ego sees all the ways we are right, better and smarter.  Our ego demands control.  Egos like to make a point; and then drive it home.  Egos are slow to forgive and quick to judge.  Egos make judgments and assessments and rarely ask questions.

Greatness comes from the space absent the ego.  The space that holds our newborn child for the first time, free of all thought and absorbed in awe.  Greatness comes from feeling humbled by the support of a team; recognizing their value and contribution above our own ego demand for recognition.

Greatness is compassion.  Someone is unkind and we still treat them with kindness.  After all, isn’t it the one who is suffering that needs the most understanding?

Greatness is the sweet spot in life.  It springs forth love and tolerance.  As a result YOU experience more joy.  If we understand how much joy we can experience by displaying greatness in our actions and thoughts we would do it all the time.

Children display greatness all the time.  They enjoy the moment.  Appreciate the small delights.  Get over things quickly.  They are resilient.  They forgive easily.  The love unconditionally.  They smile when we walk in the door and are always happy to see us.  When does this joy go away?  What makes it stop?  Does it have to?  There are some great people in the world that still have these childlike qualities.  We may even have someone like that in our own life; although it is very rare.  That person who makes us laugh.  They are easy to be around.  They exude joy.  They are quick to give credit to others.  They say thank you frequently. They do extra work only to be helpful not because they want or expect anything.  They are kind to all.  They accept others who they recognize they have no authority to help.  They inspire their own teams and create high trust environments.  They are transparent, honest and are quick to apologize when a mistake is made.

How awesome would it be if that is how others would describe you?  What would it take right now to work towards becoming that person?  It would take greatness!  Are you ready to be great?

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