This is one of my favorite memes perhaps because I tried so hard, for so long, to get everyone to like peaches or worse to try to be an orange or mango or cherry or whatever I thought “they” wanted in order to like – love – or accept me.
Call it desire, hard work, astrological alignment, age, or divine intervention – at some point the exhaustion of people pleasing hit a bottom and the desire to stop trying so hard and to start being and living overrode the need for approval.
The irony naturally is I feel very accepted and Loved and easily accept if I’m not someone’s “cup of tea” – it happens. That does not mean it has to mean anything other than at certain times – in certain spaces – under certain circumstances – some of us don’t vibrationally jive – it happens!
So now I’m committed to being the best peach I can and to share my “peachiness” with the world!
So go ahead – just be your juicy self and do it magnificently like no other can ❤️